Reporting Concerns
If you are concerned about a child's welfare or worried, they are being abused, you can make a referral to Wolverhampton Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)- Telephone Number: 01902 555392 - 8:30am to 5pm, Monday to Thursday, Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm (excluding bank holidays).
Outside these hours, contact MASH 24 on 01902 552999.
The Multi Agency Referral Form (MARF) can also be used to share information with your local office. More information on how to make a referral can be found in the found in the Referrals Procedure.
If you are unsure the West Midlands Regional Safeguarding Procedures Manual will be able to help guide you or the Thresholds of Need and Support in Wolverhampton which tells you which types of services a family may need to get support.
For further information, you can visit the Wolverhampton Safeguarding Together website.
Alternatively, you can call ChildLine for advice on 0800 1111 or email them by visiting
To report concerns or allegations against people who work or volunteer with children please contact Wolverhampton’s Local Authority Designated Officer.
Last Updated: February 28, 2025